Borrowing Facility

Circulation Policies

Borrowing of reading materials facility is available to the faculty, researchers, students and staff of the Institute. The registration to use the Library facility and services is automatic for the faculty and staff on joining the Institute and for students on registration for the courses.

The rules are framed to facilitate and promote, rather than to constrain, the use of Library collection and services.

Borrowing Privileges

  • Faculty/Visiting Faculty/Academic staff

    20 Books - for 6 months

  • Administrative Staff

    05 Books - for 30 days

  • Students
    • Research Scholars and PG Students

      06 Books - for 30 days

    • UG Students

      04 Books - for 14 days

Late Fee/Overdue charges: Rs. 5 per day for up to seven days from the due date. Then onwards, Rs. 10 per day will be charged
