The session logouts automatically after sometime.
The only requirement to keep the server seesion active is that the user needs to keep the 'login success page' open for all the time user is browsing. The 'login success page' refreshes automatically after every minute and tells the server that the user is active on the client and using the services. If by any reason(some of mentioned below), the browser does not refresh the 'login success page' automatically for 5 minuts, then the server assumes that the user has accidently closed the browser without logout or switched off the system without logout. Server then logout the session for the user so that his logout time can be recorded and another session for another user can be started on that system. Below are the reason which can prevent the 'login success page' from autorefreshing.
User is using WiFi and It is not stable in that area, The WiFi connecting and disconnecting frequently. User should complain such problems to the WING.
User keeps his device in sleepmode for more then five minutes. User should increase the sleep time on the device or enable the settings which allow the WiFi/Ethernet not to off during sleepmode.
User using browser which does not support autorefreshing mechanism specially with android phones. User must use browsers like Chrome/Opera/UCBrowser on mobile instead of the default built-in browser.
User has enabled the settings to keep WiFi off in sleepmode on their mobile. Users can change the setting by visiting Settings->WiFi Setting->Advanced->Keep WiFi during sleep.
User roaming around with his laptop/mobile at a place where no WiFi coverage is available.
User has accidentally closed the login tab on browser. User should keep this tab open for the autorefreshing mechanism to work properly.
User has enabled extension "Stop AutoRefresh" in their web browser
While accessing the Internet, if user observe that the login success page is not showing the user details, just refresh the login success page by hitting F5 key.
Not able to update/install any package using apt-get in Debian/Ubuntu
User need to set the proxy for apt-get. To set the proxy for apt-get, edit the file "/etc/apt/apt.conf" and add the following lines.
For Faculty/Staff
Acquire::http::Proxy "";
Acquire::https::Proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "";
For Faculty/Staff
Acquire::http::Proxy "";
Acquire::https::Proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "";
Open Web-browser and login before running the apt-get commands.