Searched for: Publisher-->World Scientific
Biblio No. Subject Title Author Publisher Image
67561 Chemistry Fundamental trends in fluid-structure interaction ronald World Scientific
67562 Chemistry Numerical conformal mapping: domain decomposition and the mapping of quadrilaterals Mondaini rubem p World Scientific
67563 Chemistry Computational fluid dynamics review 2010 Galdi giovanni p et al World Scientific
67564 Chemistry Markov processes, feller semigroups and evolution equations Papamichael nicolas & stylianopoulos nikos World Scientific
67565 Chemistry Towards a mathematical theory of complex biological systems Hafez mohamed m et al World Scientific
67566 Chemistry Nonlinear dynamical systems of mathematical physics: spectral and symplectic integrability analysis Van casteren jan a World Scientific
67567 Chemistry Adaptive high-order methods in computational fluid dynamics Bianca c & bellomo n World Scientific
67568 Chemistry Arthur l bowley: a pioneer in modern statistics and economics Blackmore denis et al World Scientific
67569 Chemistry Stochastic analysis, stochastic systems, and applications to finance Wang zhi jian World Scientific
67570 Chemistry Mathematics in science and technology: mathematical methods, models and algorithms in science and technology - proceedings of the satellite conference of icm 2010 Kotz samuel et al World Scientific
Showing 61 to 70 of 93 entries